Short and Sweet
Welcome to the culinary adventures of a young(ish) man—I am a chef, writer, and lover of all things food. My passion for food is even greater than my love of sleep (which is saying a lot). I like to eat. I like to cook. I like to experiment. I like to share. I like you. Hopefully this will inspire you to conquer your own kitchen and cook something yourself.

A Little Bit Longer and More Savory
My name is Aaron Hutcherson (this is where the “Hutch” comes from). I’ve loved to cook (and eat) for about as long as I can remember. Growing up I would hang out with my family in the kitchen as they prepared meal after meal. There was young Hutch peeling potatoes, mixing cake batter, or trying to prevent things from burning—anything I could do to help, really. It was during this time that my love for food and the connections formed by simply sharing a meal developed into what would become my life’s passion.
At the same time is when I developed the need to experiment in the kitchen. As delicious as those early meals were, my parents rarely ventured outside their normal repertoire in what they cooked and ate. Naturally—like most children—I decided to rebel against my parents (at least when it comes to food…mostly) and have taken pride in exploring new ingredients, techniques, and cuisines. I’ve resolved to try just about anything once. Thankfully most of my experiments turn out decently, but no matter what the outcome I always learn and grow as a cook.

As much as I love food, in my younger days I only envisioned it as a handy hobby and maybe something I would explore more fully once I retired. (What twelve year old already had their retirement planned? Me.) In trying to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up I pushed aside the notion of going to culinary school and pursued a more traditional education. I attended Washington University in St. Louis and graduated with a bachelors in systems engineering and a masters in finance. (I’m a HUGE nerd, but I like to think I can hide it well.) Upon graduation I moved to New York City and started a career on Wall Street. It was shortly after doing so that I started this blog…
I’m not sure if it was my need for some sort of extracurricular activity to keep me occupied outside the office, or an early sign that finance wasn’t meant to be my lifelong career, but starting this blog has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life thus far. Blogging fueled me to want to hone my craft, which led to my attending the French Culinary Institute’s Classic Culinary Arts Program. Since finishing I’ve worked as a line cook, written for print and online publications, and done a multitude of other things to explore the culinary world of New York City (and beyond).
The food I love to cook fills your mouth with flavor and your soul with warmth. I would describe my recipes as a combination of accessible staples (that we all know and love) mixed with a few dishes that might push your boundaries while still being approachable. This blog features a variety of savory and sweet recipes that reflect a mix of my soul food upbringing, professional culinary expertise, and gastronomic curiosity. Click through the recipes on The Hungry Hutch to read about my journey, and hopefully you’ll pick up something useful along the way.
Update: Career changes are afoot! Check out this post to learn more.